Cyber Security Audit

The information regarding the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 being USD 4.45 million comes from a report by IBM. You can find more details about this statistic and its implications on IBM’s website or in their relevant publications on data breach costs. Here is the link for reference: Source IBM Report

Fortify Your Digital Frontier with a Cyber Security Audit

In an increasingly connected world, the security of your digital infrastructure is paramount. Northcove's Cyber Security Audits are your first line of defense, providing a comprehensive analysis of your systems to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen your security posture.

Risk Identification and Analysis

Uncover hidden vulnerabilities and potential threats. We use state-of-the-art tools and methodologies to identify and analyze risks, offering you a clear picture of your security landscape.

Post-Audit Support and Guidance

Our engagement doesn’t end with the audit. We offer continued support to help you implement our recommendations and maintain a robust and resilient security infrastructure.

Pricing for your Cyber Security Audit

At Northcove, we recognize that navigating the cybersecurity audit process can often be overwhelming and opaque for many businesses. The complexity of technical jargon, coupled with the uncertainty of costs, can make the experience daunting and frustrating. We’ve listened to the common concerns of customers who are frequently puzzled and intimidated by the process, and have developed a streamlined audit process, with clear and upfront pricing.

Basic Audit

Basic Services Included

$ 500.00 Starting Price
  • Basic Vulnerability Assessment
  • Surface-Level Analysis
  • Provides a basic report of security posture and straightforward recommendations
  • Reccomended for companies with 1-20 employees
  • Suitable for businesses not subject to HIPAA or SIPPA compliance requirements

Advanced Audit

Advanced + Basic Services Included

$ 1000.00 Starting Price
  • Extensive Vulnerability Assessment
  • Detailed Analysis
  • Includes detailed report, with an in-depth analysis, and a strategic plan for addressing identified issues.
  • Reccomended for Companies with 20+ employees
  • Required for companies that deal with HIPPA or SIPPA complaince (Finance, Health services, Insurance, etc.)

Reccuring Audit

Customizable Services

$ 100+ Month
  • Continuous Protection
  • Regular Updates
  • Long-Term Security Planning
  • *Requires purchase and completion of either Basic or Advanced Audit